Designing Solutions

Web Development on Contract: Busting Myths and Embracing Opportunities


In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of web development, contract-based work has emerged as a viable and rewarding career path for many skilled professionals. However, it’s often surrounded by misconceptions and uncertainties, deterring some from exploring this promising avenue. Let’s address these concerns and unveil the exciting opportunities that await contract web developers.

Dispelling Common Myths About Contract Web Development

Myth 1: Contract Work is Unstable and Unpredictable

This myth stems from the misconception that contract-based web development lacks the stability and predictability of traditional full-time employment. However, the reality is quite different. Contract work offers flexibility and control over your workload, allowing you to choose projects that align with your interests and expertise. This flexibility empowers you to create a diverse portfolio, expand your skillset, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Myth 2: Contract Jobs Lack Growth Opportunities

Contract work is often perceived as limiting professional growth and development. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Contract-based web development provides a platform for continuous learning and growth, exposing you to diverse projects, technologies, and clients. This dynamic environment fosters professional development, opens doors to new opportunities, and keeps you at the forefront of the ever-evolving web development landscape.

Myth 3: Contract Developers Are Less Valued Than Full-Time Employees

Contract web developers bring fresh perspectives, specialized knowledge, and a commitment to delivering exceptional results. Their expertise is highly sought-after by companies that recognize their value and often build long-term partnerships, leading to recurring projects and financial stability. Contract developers have the potential to earn as much, if not more, than their full-time counterparts, setting their own rates and maximizing their earning potential based on their skills and experience.

Myth 4: Contract Work Limits Earning Potential

Contract web developers often command top compensation for their skills and experience. They are not tied to a fixed salary and can negotiate rates based on the project’s scope, complexity, and their own expertise. Additionally, contract work often involves fewer administrative tasks, allowing you to focus on billable hours and maximize your earning potential.

Myth 5: Contract Work is Isolating and Lacking in Teamwork

Contract web development often involves collaboration with in-house teams and other contractors. You’ll gain valuable insights from experienced professionals, build a network of connections, and develop strong teamwork skills. This collaborative environment fosters a sense of community, shared success, and continuous learning.

Embracing the Opportunities in Contract Web Development

With the myths dispelled, it’s time to embrace the exciting opportunities that await contract web developers. Here are some compelling reasons to consider this rewarding career path:

1. Flexibility and Control Over Your Workload: Contract work offers the freedom to choose projects that align with your interests, expertise, and schedule. You can set your own hours, work remotely, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

2. Continuous Learning and Growth: Contract-based web development exposes you to diverse projects, technologies, and clients, fostering continuous learning, expanding your skillset, and keeping you at the forefront of the industry.

3. High Earning Potential: Contract web developers have the potential to earn as much or even more than their full-time counterparts. They can set competitive rates based on their skills, experience, and project complexity.

4. Networking and Building Relationships: Contract work provides opportunities to network with other developers, agencies, and potential clients, building valuable connections and expanding your professional network.

5. Diverse and Stimulating Projects: Contract-based web development offers a variety of projects, from small startups to large enterprises, exposing you to diverse challenges and keeping your work engaging and stimulating.

6. Work-Life Balance: The flexibility of contract work allows you to manage your time effectively, prioritize personal commitments, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

7. Global Reach and Remote Work Opportunities: Contract web development opens doors to remote work and collaboration with clients worldwide, expanding your career horizons and opportunities.

8. Specializing in Niche Areas: Contract work allows you to focus on specific technologies, frameworks, or industries, becoming an expert in niche areas and gaining a competitive edge.

In conclusion, web development on contract offers a dynamic and rewarding career path for skilled professionals seeking flexibility, growth, and high earning potential. Embrace the opportunities, dispel the myths, and embark on a successful journey as a contract web developer.

Maximizing Contract Web Development Advantages While Maintaining Control

In the dynamic realm of web development, businesses often grapple with the challenge of striking a balance between expertise and control. Contract web development emerges as a compelling solution, offering a plethora of benefits while empowering businesses to retain control over their projects.

Harnessing the Power of Contract Web Development

Contract web development presents a strategic approach to web development, allowing businesses to reap the rewards of expert skills without the overhead of hiring full-time employees. This flexible arrangement offers several advantages:

  1. Expertise on Demand: Access a vast pool of skilled web developers, each with specialized expertise tailored to your project’s unique requirements. Whether you need front-end developers, back-end developers, or full-stack developers, you can find the right talent to suit your project’s specific needs.
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: Optimize your budget by engaging experienced developers on an as-needed basis, aligning costs with project milestones. This cost-effective approach allows you to scale your development team up or down as required, ensuring that you’re only paying for the expertise you need when you need it.
  3. Scalability: Seamlessly adapt to changing project needs by scaling your development team up or down as required. This flexibility allows you to respond to evolving requirements and market trends without incurring the fixed costs of full-time employees.
  4. Specialized Skills: Gain access to a diverse range of specialized skills and expertise that may not be readily available within your internal team. This can be particularly beneficial for complex projects that require niche expertise or cutting-edge technologies.
  5. Fresh Perspectives: Bring in fresh perspectives and innovative ideas from experienced contractors, who can challenge assumptions and introduce new approaches to your project. This can lead to enhanced creativity and problem-solving.

Maintaining Control in Contract Web Development

While contract web development offers numerous advantages, it’s crucial to maintain control over your project to ensure that it aligns with your vision and objectives. Here are some key strategies to effectively manage contract web development projects:

  1. Clear Scope Definition: Clearly define the scope of work, outlining the project’s objectives, deliverables, and timelines. This ensures that both you and the contractor are on the same page from the outset, reducing the risk of misunderstandings and scope creep.
  2. Regular Communication: Foster open communication channels with your contractor, encouraging frequent updates and feedback. Schedule regular meetings to discuss progress, address concerns, and make necessary adjustments.
  3. Project Management Tools: Leverage project management tools to track progress, monitor timelines, and maintain transparency. These tools provide a centralized platform for managing tasks, tracking deliverables, and ensuring that the project stays on track.
  4. Quality Assurance: Implement rigorous quality assurance measures to ensure that the project meets your expectations for quality and functionality. This may involve conducting regular testing, code reviews, and user feedback sessions.
  5. Change Management Process: Establish a clear change management process to handle any alterations to the project scope or requirements. This process should involve documentation, approvals, and impact assessments to minimize disruptions and maintain control over the project.

Striking the Perfect Balance

Contract web development presents a strategic approach to achieving your web development goals without compromising control. By carefully defining project scope, maintaining open communication, and utilizing project management tools, you can effectively manage your project and ensure that it delivers the results you desire.

In conclusion, contract web development offers a compelling solution for businesses seeking to optimize their web development projects. By harnessing the expertise of contract developers while maintaining control over the project, businesses can achieve their web development goals effectively and efficiently.

Web App Development

We help our customers embrace the mobile-centric web reality and transform their systems into modern cross-platform applications. Drawing from our deep front-end expertise, our web app developers implement the most demanded web app development scenarios by creating functional, convenient, and visually compelling applications that offer end users invariably the perfect experience across desktops, smartphones, and tablets.

Third Party Audits

We sternly monitor and diligently track the varied GIS activities of Master System Integrators ensuring they comply to the governance structure. We cover our expertise under “Third Party Audits”.

Third Party Audits is a major thrust area as we undertake a varied GIS-based activities.

  • Audit of EHS compliance.
  • Design acceptance of Remote and HUB rings proposed by MSI post completion of site and remote survey.
  • Approval of Design architecture proposed by the MSI.
  • Verification of BOM for all active equipment.
  • Validation of certificate and documentation of the material delivered by the MSI.
  • Assessment of subnormal trenching and protection requirement and many more.

Design CAD Drafting Services

We, with our team of expert drafters working with cutting-edge computer-aided drafting technologies, promise to produce extraordinarily precise and accurate 2D and 3D drawings.

We can also deliver conversions, standardization of drawings and re- drawings of existing designs with elegance and accuracy; thereby markedly improving their readability and accuracy.


Irrigation is the lifeline for an agriculture depended nation. An irrigation system; complete water conveyance system with canals, field channels, well and spring wells; if not based on sound intelligence of Ground Water Potential Zones, Land Use and Land Cover, and, not in-sync with GIS data of the current landscape, is a recipe for disaster. Our cumulative intellectual capital helps to deliver the required intelligence to lay out stable and lasting irrigation schemes.


Exploration and understanding of sub-surface of the concerned land is immensely important. We deploy GPRS – one of the latest Geophysical techniques for detection and interpretation of Underground Utility Networks (UNN)/Buried Utilities;, Electrical and Optical Cables, Gas & Sewerage Pipelines etc. It is also used for soil stratification, drawing of rock profiles etc. We collect this valuable data to avoid risk and damage to UNN and possible loss to government, private stakeholders and households. Intelligence, so gathered through GPRS is helpful in carrying out digging, excavation, trenching, ditching, tunneling, boring/drilling land leveling/grading, and plowing for installation of new UUN.

Holistic Urban Planning

Land available to us as a country remain static, but our anthropocentric attitude has led to abuse of land use leading to constant depletion of land cover. Therefore, now, to understand the current landscape in order to make plans; rural or urban, for judicious use of land; intelligence on Land Use and Land Cover change (LULC) is absolutely mission critical. Our integrated approach of GIS and Remote Sensing is the silver-lining for futuristic and sustainable progress for all.

Knowledge is power. We empower our clients with a range of Point of Interest Surveys by engaging our up-to-date technologies and a team of experienced data science professionals. We also marshal our resources and capabilities in delivering well structured, accurate, digital, easy to implement and responsive Field Surveys.

Our tailor-made POI survey and Field report is an extensive yet granular document covering unique intelligence of carefully categorized information. Our reports have provided the intelligence to banks, retail chains, real estate, govt. entities etc. for devising data-driven solutions resulting in best utilization of places for all.

Transport Highways

For balanced development of a region, network of roads are vital. They are indeed, the life-line of any region. Yet, the need of the hour is judicious and planned use of land according to their natural state, to help develop suitable and sustainable, new road networks with best possible shortest paths and routes. To do so, we have the technology, tools, qualified manpower and experience to make available the required intelligence by virtue of our expertise in GIS and surveying capabilities.

Transmission / R-APDRP

Assets mapping capabilities is mission-critical intelligence gathering. We tap into our intellectual and expertise reservoir to help our Energy and Telecom clients in establishing geospatial relationships between their facilities, assets, and landscape features. Asset mapping intelligence entails in designing of more efficient solutions for our clients specifically from Telecommunication (in laying Transmission Lines) and, Energy ( in laying Gas Pipe Lines).

Whatever be the scale of your project; technical drawings/blueprints (electrical, mechanical, structural,) are mission-critical. We, with our team of expert drafters working with
cutting-edge computer-aided drafting technologies, promise to produce extraordinarily precise and accurate 2D and 3D drawings. We can also deliver conversions, standardization of drawings and redrawing’s of existing designs with elegance and accuracy; thereby markedly improving their readability and accuracy.